화성(華城) 화홍문(華虹門)의 원형고찰

Study on the Original form of Hwaseong Hwahongmun Gate

  • 투고 : 2014.11.04
  • 심사 : 2014.12.27
  • 발행 : 2015.01.30


Hwahongmun Gate, a north gate of Hwaseong Fortress, was constructed in 1795 along with the construction of the fortress. However, due to great floods caused in 1846, most of the gate was lost, and the gate was reconstructed in 1848. The reconstructed gate was much different from the initial one, and during the Japanese colonial rule, based on then structure, the gate was repaired. In 1977, the gate was partially repaired, and no real change was made. This study aims to examine the change process of Hwahongmun, and to compare required materials specified in the initial construction record of Hwaseong Seongyeok Uigwe with the current building to examine the prototype of the constructed fortress.



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