• Received : 2015.08.03
  • Accepted : 2015.08.31
  • Published : 2015.08.31


This study was subjected to 9th graders after making a conformity analysis about errors in function from a selected linear function domain learned in 8th grade, and using this we analyzed some errors learners have in the linear function domain. Learners showed the most deficiency in mastery of prerequisite facts concepts out of errors in linear functions and lack of skill in interpreting the content of the questions and technical errors occurred often as well. How the pre-service secondary school teachers prescribed these errors of linear function was analyzed from the point of problem solving strategies, accessing methods and whether or not the learner's error was used. Looking into the pre-service secondary teachers' prescription of the learners' errors in 3 fields, for the problem solving strategy a procedural strategy was used more than a conceptual strategy, and as for the accessing methods over 90% gave teacher led type explanations to the students. Also over 90% of pre-service secondary teachers did not use the learner's errors that turned up in problems.



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