Why Healthy Workplaces Matter

  • Best, Robert S. (JLL)
  • Published : 2017.12.01


Employers are realizing that workplaces have an immense impact on productivity. And, because people typically represent about 90% of a company's costs, even a slight improvement in productivity hits the bottom-line in a very big way. The focus is shifting away from saving money by reducing space needs or cutting energy requirements, and moving toward making the workplace friendlier and healthier. What is a healthy workplace, exactly? The answer should be clear by now. Mountains of research have expounded on this very topic, and then news outlets cover the latest discoveres ad infinitum. The problem is, research is rather dense, while the news isn't comprehensive. Office managers trying to improve workplace wellness want neither a 55-page report nor a half dozen articles to convince their landlord that their space can do better. Recognizing this gap, Harvard researchers have released a concise-yet-complete list of healthy building features. Here, we're sharing these nine features with a few insights of our own on the value of being healthy and productive. Find out: ${\bullet}$ What makes a healthy building and why is it so important ${\bullet}$ How to improve the health of your own office ${\bullet}$ What happens for your people and your bottom line when you make health a priority.
