Using Machine Learning Algorithms for Housing Price Prediction: The Case of Islamabad Housing Data

  • Imran, Imran (Department of Computer Science, Bahria University Islamabad) ;
  • Zaman, Umar (Department of Computer Science, Iqra University Islamabad) ;
  • Waqar, Muhammad (Department of Computer Science, Bahria University Islamabad) ;
  • Zaman, Atif (Department of Computer Science, Bahria University Islamabad)
  • Published : 2021.06.01


House price prediction is a significant financial decision for individuals working in the housing market as well as for potential buyers. From investment to buying a house for residence, a person investing in the housing market is interested in the potential gain. This paper presents machine learning algorithms to develop intelligent regressions models for House price prediction. The proposed research methodology consists of four stages, namely Data Collection, Pre Processing the data collected and transforming it to the best format, developing intelligent models using machine learning algorithms, training, testing, and validating the model on house prices of the housing market in the Capital, Islamabad. The data used for model validation and testing is the asking price from online property stores, which provide a reasonable estimate of the city housing market. The prediction model can significantly assist in the prediction of future housing prices in Pakistan. The regression results are encouraging and give promising directions for future prediction work on the collected dataset.



We are thankful to Dr. Muhammad Muzammal, Associate professor Bahria University for his supervision and valuable suggestions during this research study.


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