메타모델 기반의 클라우드 기업의 혁신유형 연구

A Study on Innovation Types of Cloud Companies based on a Meta Model

  • 서광규 (상명대학교 경영공학과)
  • 투고 : 2021.08.30
  • 심사 : 2021.09.16
  • 발행 : 2021.09.30


Cloud is emerging as a key factor in digital transformation. In particular, the industry is paying attention to cloud as a key factor in economic revitalization after COVID-19. In this economic environment, cloud companies can survive only through continuous innovation. In this study, we propose the innovation types of cloud companies using the meta model, which is a high-level conceptual model that generalizes various corporate activities. The proposed cloud company innovation type applies a conceptual model divided into two axes such as the corporate value chain and the business management layer. The contribution of this study is to provide a basis for research in a new academic field called corporate innovation in the cloud domain, and to provide decision-making tools for diagnosing innovation levels or exploring innovation directions for cloud companies.



본 논문은 2021년 상명대학교 교내연구비를 지원받아 수행하였음.


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