Characteristics of Ondol Installation and Window Plan for Cold Weather through Dormitory Drawings of a Governmental Facility during the Japanese Colonial Period

일제강점기 관립시설의 부속 기숙사 계획도면에서의 창문의 방한계획과 온돌 설치의 특징

  • Received : 2022.06.16
  • Accepted : 2022.07.26
  • Published : 2022.08.30


Ondol installation and window plan for cold weather was analyzed through dormitory drawings of a governmental facility to identify its characteristics in the Japanese colonial period. There were 76 cases surveyed as government dormitories that were evenly distributed by region and period. Most were planned with a western wooden structure. In 1910s, it was mainly a single story, but a two-story dormitory was gradually built. The heating system and windows were the most important for cold weather; various types of heating systems such as an ondol was used. The number of dormitories with a heating system gradually increased by period; the use rate was higher in the north. The use of windows for cold weather had also gradually increased such as the double-glazing window, the storm window, and the protruding double window. The ondol was used during this period as the main heating system. However, unlike the increasing use of a heating system, the use of the ondol decreased. This aspect was quite different from the increasing trend seen in official residences. In addition, the ondol was mainly installed in the dormitory frequently used by Koreans. Starting from around 1920, a closed double fireplace was commonly used. The advantages of this improvement influenced the movement of the fireplace location into the building and the simplification of the fireplace installation space. And as the fireplace was directly used in the inner corridor, management of it became more convenient.



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