The Eco-friendly Aspect and Its Implications in Le Corbusier's Architecture

르코르뷔지에 건축의 친환경적 면모와 그 의미

  • Received : 2022.07.07
  • Accepted : 2022.08.31
  • Published : 2022.09.30


This study first considers why Le Corbusier's architecture was not well-accepted in terms of eco-friendly architecture by examining the sustainable and passive eco-friendly aspects that were not common at the time of his architectural work and its meaning. Despite his ideal and bold urban planning proposals, his attempts and failures in Moscow and Paris followed by restrictions from the international style, it was confirmed that an eco-friendly perspective for sanitation through sunlight and ventilation was valued and made evident in his Les 5 Points de L'architecture Nouvelle. When there was little awareness of environmental protection, it was confirmed that Le Corbusier's attention to deployment that considered direction of the sun and the wind, shadow formation through brise-soleil and toiture-parasol, and natural ventilation through duplex and interior emptying in hot areas revealed the environmentally friendly aspects of today's passive and sustainable architecture. Architectural measures in these areas where it was impossible to install and operate air conditioning facilities due to economic problems could be seen as an active consideration of architecture providing for its residents.



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