Pig meat production in the European Union-27: current status, challenges, and future trends

  • G. G. Mateos (Departamento de Produccion Agraria, ETSIAAB, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid) ;
  • N. L. Corrales (Departamento de Produccion Agraria, ETSIAAB, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid) ;
  • G. Talegon (Departamento de Produccion Agraria, ETSIAAB, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid) ;
  • L. Aguirre (Departamento de Produccion Agraria, ETSIAAB, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid)
  • Received : 2023.11.22
  • Accepted : 2024.01.15
  • Published : 2024.04.01


The main objective of this study was to present data on the current situation and future trends of pig meat production in the European Union-27 (EU). Pig production has played an important social and economic role for centuries in many states of the EU. In 2022, pig meat production in the EU reached 23 M tons, which represented 21% of total production worldwide. The two key reasons that justify such amount of pork produced, are the acceptance and high consumption of the meat by the local population and the high quality of the meat produced which facilitated pork export. However, current data show a reduction in pork production for the last three years, as a consequence of a series of events that include i) problems with the chain of ingredients supply, ii) uncontrolled increase in African Swine Fever (ASF) outbreaks, iii) fast recovery of pig production in China, iv) increasing concerns by the rural population on the high cost to meet future requirements of the EU legislation on farm management, environmental sustainability and animal welfare, v) increased cost of all inputs involved in pig production and vi) limited interest of the new farmer generation to work on the pig sector. Consequently, pork production is expected to decrease in the EU for the next years, although sales will be maintained at a relative high level because pork is the meat preferred by local consumers in most EU countries. In order to maintain the favourable position of the pork industry in the near future, strategies to implement include: i) maintain the quality of the meat destinated to export markets, ii) improve the control of outbreaks of ASF and other swine diseases, iii) implementation of technological innovations to improve working conditions making more attractive to work in the pork sector of the food chain to the new generation of farmers and workers.



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