이론적 일반화를 적용한 파스칼 그래프와 삼각형에 내재된 수의 패턴 탐구를 위한 교수단원의 설계

On the design of a teaching unit for the exploration of number patterns in Pascal graphs and triangles applying theoretical generalization.

  • Kim, Jin Hwan (Department of Mathematics Education Yeungnam University)
  • 투고 : 2024.01.26
  • 심사 : 2024.02.28
  • 발행 : 2024.02.29


In this study, we design a teaching unit that constructs Pascal graphs and extended Pascal triangles to explore number patterns inherent in them. This teaching unit is designed to consider the diachronic process of teaching-learning by combining Dörfler's theoretical generalization model with Wittmann's design science ideas, which are applied to the didactical practice of mathematization. In the teaching unit, considering the teaching-learning level of prospective teachers who studied discrete mathematics, we generalize the well-known Pascal triangle and its number patterns to extended Pascal triangles which have directed graphs(called Pascal graphs) as geometric models. In this process, the use of symbols and the introduction of variables are exhibited as important means of generalization. It provides practical experiences of mathematization to prospective teachers by going through various steps of the generalization process targeting symbols. This study reflects Wittmann's intention in that well-understood mathematics and the context of the first type of empirical research as structure-genetic didactical analysis are considered in the design of the learning environment.



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