Thirty-two-tupling frequency millimeter-wave generation based on eight Mach-Zehnder modulators connected in parallel

  • Xinqiao Chen (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Communication University of China) ;
  • Siyuan Dai (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Communication University of China) ;
  • Zhihan Li (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Communication University of China) ;
  • Wenyao Ba (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Communication University of China) ;
  • Xu Chen (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Communication University of China)
  • 투고 : 2022.12.07
  • 심사 : 2023.02.27
  • 발행 : 2024.04.20


A new method is proposed to generate a 32-tupling frequency millimeter wave (MMW) with eight Mach-Zehnder modulators (MZMs) connected in parallel. Theoretical analyses and simulation experiments are conducted. The optical sideband suppression ratio (OSSR) of the obtained ±16th order optical sidebands are 61.54 dB and 61.42 dB, and the radio frequency spurious suppression ratios (RFSSRs) of the generated 32-tupling frequency MMW are 55.52 dB and 55.27 dB based on the theoretical analysis and simulation experiments, respectively; these outcomes verified the feasibility of the new method. The main parameters used to affect the stability of the generated signal are the modulation index and extinction ratio of MZM. Their effects on the OSSR and RFSSR of the generated signals are investigated when they deviate from their designed values. Compared with the other proposed methods for the generation of 32-tupling frequency MMW by MZM, our method has the best spectral purity and stability, and it is expected to have important MMW over fiber applications.



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