• 제목/요약/키워드: Taidingyangshengzhu-lun

검색결과 1건 처리시간 0.014초

괴병다속담(怪病多屬痰) 이론에 대한 비판적 (Critical Review on Theory of "Eccentric Diseases are Due to Phlegm")

  • 배성진;최준용;김기봉;하기태
    • 동의생리병리학회지
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    • 제34권6호
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    • pp.279-284
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    • 2020
  • The theory of "eccentric diseases are generally due to phlegm (怪病多屬痰)" means that phlegm is a major cause for intractable diseases including cerebrovascular accident, depression, insanity, and shock from strange things or evil sprint. It has been a key foundation for the diagnosis and treatment of phlegm in traditional Korean medicine. However, the origin of the theory is not clear and controversial. In this study, we critically reviewed the origin and developing process of the theory in the viewpoints of philology and pathology in Korean medicine. Wang Yin-Jun (王隱 君) did not claim that eccentric diseases are generally due to phlegm in Taidingyangshengzhu-lun (泰定養生主論). The miscitation by following medical literature caused the misunderstanding in the meaning of Taidingyangshengzhu-lun, that phlegm can cause variable symptoms and signs. In the Ming dynasty, some poor medical doctors had tended to diagnose any difficult case as phlegm syndrome and to use Kuntan-huan (滾痰丸) as a standard herbal formula for treating phlegm syndrome. However, the tendency to categorize delicate cases easily to phlegm syndrome is not desirable. Besides, the tendency to use Kuntan-huan as a basic formula for the phlegm syndrome might cause diverse and severe adverse effects. Thus, we cannot accept the theory of eccentric diseases is generally due to phlegm without a doubt. In conclusion, this theory might be a valuable aphorism in terms of considering the possibility of the secondary pathologic factors including phlegm and blood stasis which should be considered first in case of intractable diseases.