『금궤옥함경』에 관한 문헌적 연구

A Literary Study on Jinguiyuhanjing

  • 염용하 (동국대학교 한의과대학 병리학교실) ;
  • 하기태 (동국대학교 한의과대학 병리학교실) ;
  • 김준기 (동국대학교 한의과대학 병리학교실) ;
  • 최달영 (동국대학교 한의과대학 병리학교실)
  • Lyeom Yang Ha (Department of Pathology, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongguk University) ;
  • Ha Ki Tae (Department of Pathology, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongguk University) ;
  • Kim June Ki (Department of Pathology, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongguk University) ;
  • Chai Dall Yeang (Department of Pathology, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongguk University)
  • 발행 : 2002.02.01


Jinguiyuhanjing, one of the Jing-Yue's three writings which were proofread by Lin-Yi et al. in the Song dynasty, can be regarded as the book composed of another text of Shanghanlun. The book has been quoted by some medical scholars in the Song and Jin dynasty, but it has been kept hiding by some collectors from the Yuan dynasty and has not been known to the public until republished by Shi-Jie Chen in the early Ching dynasty. As compared with Shanghanlun, Jinguiyuhanjing shows much difference in contents. Rather, it has a close similarity to Qianjinyifang(千金翼方) written by SunSaiMiao(孫思邈) in the Dang dynasty. The section 1 of Zhengzhizongcongli(證治總例), which may have edited by the man who have also edited Jinguiyuhanjing published between the Nanbei(南北) dynasty and the Sui(隋) and Tang dynasty, has a lot of resemblance to Qianjinyifang. Though the book and Qianjinyifang might have come from the same version, it seems that the edition and publication of Jinguiyuhanjing have no direct relation to those of Qianjinyifang because the former has more articles and prescriptions than the other has. Jinguiyuhanjing gives a great deal of attention to scholars who study the taxt of the Song dynasty because the contents of the book particularly reveals a considerable difference to Shanghanlun published in the Song dynasty. Despite all the importances that the book have, however, no one in Korea did not pay attention to the book ever before. We are sure that it is a valuable work to introduce and study the book in Korea.



  1. 傷寒論槪論 朴憲在
  2. 日本漢方醫學 潘桂娟;樊正倫 (編著)
  3. 역대사지서목저녹의적회고 李茂如
  4. 中醫雜志 v.6 금궤옥함경 四考 錢超塵
  5. 普濟本事方 許叔微
  6. 上海中醫藥雜誌 v.3 王叔和編次傷寒論之功不可沒-脈經 傷寒論 相關條文辨析 孫志遠
  7. 脈經語釋 沈炎南
  8. 傷寒論硏究 王琦
  9. 東垣十種醫書 ·醫壘元戎 王好古
  10. 금궤요략심전 尤怡
  11. 傷寒論校注 劉渡舟 (主編)
  12. 中醫雜志 v.4 평금궤옥함경고 李辰生
  13. 금궤옥함경 張仲景
  14. 仲景全書·仲景全書序 張仲景(著);趙開美(編)
  15. 中華醫吏雜誌 v.24 no.3 雜卒考 趙洪鈞
  16. 活人書 朱肱(著);임진석(역)
  17. 금궤옥함경이주 周揚俊
  18. 상한론석강 최달영
  19. 금궤요략교주 何任 (主編)
  20. 한의학대사전[의사문헌분책] 한의학대사전편찬위원회
  21. 許叔微傷寒論著三卷 · 傷寒九十論 許叔微
  22. 許叔微傷寒論著三卷 · 傷寒百證歌 許叔微
  23. 中醫藥硏究 v.1 傷寒論 傳本異同考釋 洪貫之