경혈 광선치료 연구를 위한 피터만델의 광색침 고찰(I)

Study on the Peter Mandel's Colorpuncture for the Development of the Color-light Therapy for Acupoint by the Visible Ray(I)

  • 김경철 (동의대학교 한의과대학 진단학교실)
  • Kim Gyeong Cheol (Department of diagnostics, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University)
  • 발행 : 2004.04.01


The eyes can register color oscillations and that colors have an effect on the psyche. Human is constantly surrounded by an immense range of vibrations to which he must react and respound. And the skin can be compared to an antenna which amplifies information received from the outside and then passes it on to the inside. Therefore the art of many medicines make use of the skin as a medium of treatment. Peter mandel discovered centers, or zones, on the human body, which represent or correspond to the three primary colors(red, blue and yellow). And he came across to the four temperaments(or humors) and their respective colors, which consist of the primary colors with the addition of green.



  1. 빛과 건강 최동완(역)
  2. 종합광선치유법 이세희
  3. Colour me healing Jack Allanach
  4. 한국정신과학학회지 v.2 no.1 극미약 광에너지에 의한 생체의 면역력 증강 효과 방건웅(외6인)
  5. 색채의 영향 김진한(역)
  6. Colorpuncture energetik verlag Peter mandel
  7. 동의논집;33집 가시광선을 이용한 경혈 광색 치료기 개발 김경철(외1인)