음허증 측정도구의 개발 및 신뢰도 타당도 검정

Development of Yin-Deficiency Questionnaire and Examine the Reliability and Validity

  • 이상재 (경희대학교 한의과대학 예방의학교실) ;
  • 박종배 ;
  • 이송실 (경희대학교 한의과대학 예방의학교실) ;
  • 김광호 (경희대학교 한의과대학 예방의학교실)
  • Lee Sang Jae (Department of Preventive Medicine, Collage of Oriental Medicine, Kyunghee University) ;
  • Park Jong Bae (Complementary Medicine, Peninsula Medical School, Universities of Exeter & Plymouth, East-West Medical Research Institute, WHO collaborating centre, Kyunghee University) ;
  • Lee Song Shil (Department of Preventive Medicine, Collage of Oriental Medicine, Kyunghee University) ;
  • Kim Kwang Ho (Department of Preventive Medicine, Collage of Oriental Medicine, Kyunghee University)
  • 발행 : 2004.04.01


The purpose of this study is the develop a questionnaire for measuring Yin-Deficiency and examine the reliability and validity for its' value as a barometer for evaluating Yin-Deficiency. Questionnaire was developed according to the symptoms of Yin-Deficiency suggested in the 'Standardization of diagnostic terms and requirements of Korean Medicine', With and as a reference, each symptom has been worked on to be put on the questionnaire. Visual analogue scales(VAS) was used as a barometer for measuring frequency of manifestation of symptoms. A study was performed to measure validity and reliability of the final questionnaire for analysis. reliability of YinDQ was measured by Cronbach's alpha coefficient and test-retest method. This study utilized factor analysis and clinical validity for evaluation of validity. For the purpose of decreasing the amount of data-the number of factors, and at the same time minimize the loss of information factor analysis was performed Component factors were extracted using Principal Component Analysis. This study evaluated the clinical validity for examination of difference between the normal group and the patient group. Evaluation on the's internal consistency showed strong internal consistency with value of 0.8615. reliability from test-rest with three-week interval, followed by comparisons of the correlation coefficient and mean values of each item between the two. The Spearman correlation coefficient was 0.54-0.79. By factor analyse two factors with Eigen value of greater than 2.2 were selected. Factor 1 consists of items of 'irritable fever on the five Hearts', 'flushing of the zygomatic region in the afternoon', 'tidal fever', 'night sweats', and 'dryness on the mouth or the throat'. Factor two consists of items of 'emaciation', 'dizziness', 'insomnia', 'decreased amount of urine with yellowish color', and 'constipation'. The comparison between the patient group and the normal group showed significant differences for every ten questions. The results implies that YinDQ is a barometer with sufficient reliability and validity. The questionnaire for Yin-Deficiency may not be enough to replace the specific differential diagnosis by a doctor of Oriental medicine. Nevertheless, it can be effectively utilized as an assisting method in consultation or a method of measuring the degree of Yin-Deficiency in a group.



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