대구지역 한의학의 전문화 과정에 대한 연구- 제한의료원을 중심으로 -

Study of the Process of the Professionalization of Korean Oriental Medicine of Taegu - Focusing on the Case of Je-Han Medical Center -

  • 발행 : 2005.02.25


This study explored the process of the professionalization of Korean Oriental medicine in Je-Han Medical Center. Je-Han Medical Center has fulfilled the requisites of the professionalization. The process of professionalization of Je-Han Medical Center is different from the process of professionalization of Western medical profession. Firstly, the Korean Oriental medical doctors of Je-Han Medical Center had been educated the standardized Korean Oriental medical knowledges. But the medical practices of them were not fully standardized. Secondly, the Korean Oriental medical doctors of Je-Han Medical Center have occupied the exclusive rights in the areas of Korean Oriental medicine. But there still exists the restriction of the range of license. Thirdly, the Korean Oriental medical doctors of Je-Han Medical Center had pride as a Korean Oriental medical doctor. They had the ideology as the national medical doctors. But the patients' use of Korean Oriental medicine were based on the practical reasons, not based on the ideological reasons. Fourthly, the inner hierarchy of Je-Han Medical Center was very strict. But the hierarchical and authoritarian relations between medical doctors and patients were very weak. Like this, we can find the unique process of professionalization of Korean Oriental medicine in Je-Han Medical Center. These findings can contribute to the extend the horizon of the sociology of profession.



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