남자 만성피로의 형상의학적 고찰

Study on Male Chronic Fatigue in Hyungsang Medicine

  • 박태숙 (우리한의원) ;
  • 이용태 (동의대학교 한의과대학 생리학교실.동의대학교 한방바이오연구센터)
  • Park, Tae-Sook (Woo Ri Oriental Clinic) ;
  • Lee, Yong-Tae (Department of Physiology, Biomedical Research Center of Oriental Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dong-Eui University)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.25


Chronic fatigue refers to the tiredness which disturbs one's daily activities and lasts more than six months without the sign of improvement by rest or sleep. Male chronic fatigue is included in internal injuries due to overstrain and exhaustion and closely related to river, spleen, stomach and kidney out of five Jang organs. Male chronic fatigue is based on the deficiency of Yang and aggravated by liquor, sex and emotional depression. Chronic fatigue has the following features in Hyungsang ; an inclination for lying: unwillingness to everything; drooping eyes and feeble voice; yellow pale complexion; withered ears; redness on the tip of nose; cheekbone, and lips; blood shot eyes; dryness and loss of hair. Male chronic fatigue usually attacks the persons of horse type and bird type because they are hyperactive compared with what they eat. The following medicines are commonly prescribed for the treatment of male chronic fatigue. Ssangwhatang, Sokunzungtang, and Yanghyulsamultang are commonly prescribed to horse type. Jaumkangwhatang, Chungsimyunzaum, Yookmijiwhangtang to bird type. Palmiwhan, Gozinumja. and Shinkihwan to fish type. Bozungikkitang, Galwhahaesungtang, Samchulgunbitang and Sipjundaebotang to turtle type.



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