황금이 천식모릴 생쥐의 혈청 사이토카인에 미치는 영향

Effect of Scutellariae Radix Extract on Serum Cytokines in OVA-induced Asthmatic Mice

  • 나도균 (대전대학교 한의과대학 폐계내과학교실) ;
  • 박양춘 (대전대학교 한의과대학 폐계내과학교실)
  • Na, Do-Gyun (Division of Respiratory System, Department of Internal Medicine College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University) ;
  • Park, Yang-Chun (Division of Respiratory System, Department of Internal Medicine College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University)
  • 발행 : 2005.08.01


The purpose of this research is to examine the effects of Scutellariae Radix(SR) extract on cytokines in ovalbumin (OVA)-induced asthmatic mice. In vivo, C57BL/6 mice were sensitized and handicapped by OVA for 12 weeks. During this experiment, the one group was then treated with SR extract for the later 8 weeks (3 times per week) and analyzed by ELISA. There were significant decreases in IL-4(p<0.05), IL-5(p<0.05), IL-13(p<0.01), histamine(p<0.05) in serum of SR group. IgE also decreased, but was not significant compared with that of control group. The results of this study support a role for SR as an effective treatment for asthma in its experimental success in significantly decreasing inflammation and asthma reactions.



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