고령친화용품 표준화를 위한 분류

Classification for a Standardization System for the Elderly's Necessities

  • 김이순 (동의대학교 자연과학대학 간호학과) ;
  • 권자연 (고령친화용품 표준화기반구축센터) ;
  • 신순식 (동의대학교 한의과대학) ;
  • 문인혁 (동의대학교 공과대학 메카트로닉스학과) ;
  • 황이철 (동의대학교 공과대학 메카트로닉스학과) ;
  • 김경철 (동의대학교 한의과대학)
  • Kim, Yi-Soon (Department of Nursing, College of Natural Science, Dongeui University) ;
  • Kwon, Ja-Youn (Center for Standardization of senior-assistive Products) ;
  • Shin, Soon-Shik (College of Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University) ;
  • Moon, In-Hyuk (Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Center for Standardization of senior-assistive Products(CSSAP), Dongeui University) ;
  • Hwang, Lee-Cheol (Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Center for Standardization of senior-assistive Products(CSSAP), Dongeui University) ;
  • Kim, Gyeong-Cheol (College of Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University)
  • 발행 : 2006.04.25


This study aims to provide definitions and standardization for necessities that elderly people can use conveniently and properly in their daily lives and classify necessities for different purposes. First, standard terminologies were defined by reviewing the literature and the relevant laws related to daily necessities for the elders. Secondly, a concept for necessities for the elders was also defined through consultation with experts. Lastly, the elderly's necessities were selected and classified. The elderly's necessities are defined as aids that ordinary elderly people in normal aging process need for the purpose of the convenience of life and aids they wear or use to maintain or improve their health. In this study, the elderly's necessities are divided into three categories: necessities of health, necessities of Oriental medical aids and necessities of daily living. Each category is further classified as follows: Necessities of health include aids for personal medical treatment, aids for personal care and protection and aids for recreation. Necessities of Oriental medical aids include aids for personal medical treatment, aids for personal care and protection and others. Necessities of daily living include aids for personal care and protection, aids for personal mobility, aids for housekeeping, furnishings, aids for communication, information and signalling, aids for handling products and goods and aids for recreation. The classification of the elderly's necessities in this study can be used as basic information for further studies of demand for necessities for the elderly. The results will lay the foundation for a standardization system for the elderly's necessities and the development of silver industry.



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