("동의보감"에서 도인 홍화 (桃仁 紅花)를 사용한 처방에 대한 형상의학적 고찰

Examination of the Applications of Semen Persicae and Flos Carthami in the herbal Perscriptions Appeared in the book of ${\ulcorner}$Donguibogam${\lrcorner}$ according to Hyungsang Medicine

  • 강경화 (동의대학교 한의과대학 생리학교실 한의학연구소) ;
  • 이용태 (동의대학교 한의과대학 생리학교실 한의학연구소)
  • Kang, Kyung-Hwa (Department of Physiology, Research Institute of Oriental Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dong-Eui University) ;
  • Lee, Yong-Tae (Department of Physiology, Research Institute of Oriental Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dong-Eui University)
  • 발행 : 2006.12.25


Following conclusions were drawn from the examination of the usage of semen persicae and fols carthami from the view of Hyungsang Medicine. Semen persicae is used to vitalize the blood flow and eliminate the blood stagnation of the whole body in ${\ulcorner}$Donguibogam${\lrcorner}$, and therefor it is used for the blood flow of the heptal meridian and sometimes the intestinal meridian. Flos carthami is applied to vitalize the blood flow, remove obstructions in meridians, eliminate the blood stagnations, and stop the pain in ${\ulcorner}$Donguibogam${\lrcorner}$, therefore used in such symptoms of blood flow of the heptal meridian as amenorrhea, spasm of muscles, and coldness of the genitals. Also is applied in those cases of exhaustion, perspiration, and in digestive remedies which belong to the symptoms of cardiac blood flow. And it is used for dryness of the skin in which case the blood should be developed and malaria for the elimination of the blood stagnation and production of new blood. The combination of semen persicae and flos carthami is applied to eliminate the blood stagnation and stimulate menstrual discharge in uterus, as well as in the cases of lumbago and stomachache due to blood stagnation, blood stasis, mass in the abdomen, and abdominal distention. This combination is also used for the eyes, ears, numbness, and paralysis of hands and feet for the purpose of making the flow of the meridian smooth, and for diabetes, dryness of the skin, malaria, anal itching and pain for the purpose of eliminating the mass and renewing the tissues. The combination is diversly used in the book of ${\ulcorner}$Special lectures on clinical cases${\lrcorner}$ for the aftereffects of traffic accident, constipation, diabetes, dryness of the skin, paralysis of hands and feet, numbness of finger of hand and foot, and especially used frequently with prescription of Yijintang and Samultang combined in the cases of numbness. The prescription is used in Hyungsang medicine when the uterus, the external appearance(axis), hands and feet, heart, and the stomach is not good for the vitalization of the flow of the 12 meridians. It was though difficult to find extinguishing differences between the two herbs in the clinical cases applied in the book of ${\ulcorner}$Special lectures on clinical cases${\lrcorner}$.



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