18세기 조선통신사를 통한 한일의학문화교류

Korean-Japan Medical Culture Exchange through The Choson Delegation in The 18th Century

  • 차웅석 (경희대학교 한의과대학 의사학교실)
  • Cha, Wung-Seok (Department of Oriental Medical History, Kyunghee University)
  • 발행 : 2006.12.25


In the 18th century, Joseon and Japan corresponded politically and culturally through the Joseon Missionary. During this time, the people in Japan who received the Joseon Missionary left many records of their visits and among them were numerous accounts related to medicine, In the years 2003 and 2004, the Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine gathered records that were dispersed throughout japan, and in 20005, it organized the information and put it up on the web along with the original text. This research is an overall report on the documentary records. It analyzes individual documents and looks into what the mainly interested the joseon and Japanese medical worlds at that time. The documents located up till now are 21 medical dialogue records from the 18th century. Through the process of these medical dialogues, the Joseon medical circle discovered a different side of japanese medicine, and the japanese medical world had a chance to directly receive advanced medical skills. Through these medical dialogues, the two countries also exchanged bountiful information about clinical patients. The japanese scholars showed deep interest in Joseon's ginseng, and asked many questions about practical usages of the contents in the medical documents. It is thought that these medical dialogue records will greatly assist studies on the medical history of this time, because it reveals new research data on Korean medical history and Japanese medical history in the latter half of the Joseon Dynasty that has never been reported in the academia before.



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