의학삼자경(醫學三字經)에 나타난 진수원(陳修園) 의학 사상에 대한 문헌적 연구 I

Study on $Ch{\acute{e}}n$ $Xiuyu\acute{a}n$ by analysing $Y\bar{i}xues\bar{a}nz\grave{i}j\bar{i}ng$

  • 김재은 (동국대학교 한의과대학 병리학교실) ;
  • 최달영 (동국대학교 한의과대학 병리학교실)
  • Kim, Jai-Eun (Department of Pathology, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongguk University) ;
  • Choi, Dall-Yeong (Department of Pathology, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongguk University)
  • 발행 : 2008.08.25


$Ch\acute{e}n\;Xiuyu\acute{a}n$(陳修園) was a famous doctor and educator of the late Tang Dynasty. He was well known both for his books for beginners, and for his unique medical theories based on his profound research of <$Sh\bar{a}ngh\acute{a}nl\grave{u}n$(傷寒論)> and <$J\bar{i}nku\grave{i}y\grave{a}ol\ddot{u}e$>. He wrote <$Y\bar{i}xues\bar{a}nz\grave{i}j\bar{i}ng$(醫學三字經)> to establish the basic textbook for the beginners to set up right principles in pursuing their medical career. <$Y\bar{i}xues\bar{a}nz\grave{i}j\bar{i}ng$> was written in rhyme form, so that it can be easily memorized and used in future practices. There are quite many medical books in rhyme form, but this book is very unique as $Ch\acute{e}n\;Xiuyu\acute{a}n$ annotated his own notes, which is rare in this form of books. This feature makes <$Y\bar{i}xues\bar{a}nz\grave{i}j\bar{i}ng$> very outstanding, also with the fact that $Ch\acute{e}n\;Xiuyu\acute{a}n$ was the one with profound understanding and original theories based on medical bibles such as <$N\grave{e}ij\bar{i}ng$(內經)> and <$Sh\bar{a}ngh\acute{a}nl\grave{u}n$(傷寒論)>. We have translated this precious educational material into korean, hoping that this work could be of any help to students of korean medicine. And while doing this work, we have found followings: <$Y\bar{i}xues\bar{a}nz\grave{i}j\bar{i}ng$> covers the entire fields of medicine from theoretical discussions to practical clinical information. Nevertheless, as this is written in rhyme form, there are few phrases that are not easily understood for the sake of rhyme. Beginners probably may have difficulties in reading this book. To make this difficulty alleviated, and to develop our own educational material, we need to study further on the notes that $Ch\acute{e}n\;Xiuyu\acute{a}n$ annotated himself.



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