ICD 연계 한의질병분류를 위한 전제로서의 공통개념어 연구

Study on Common Conceptual Terms as a Premise for Korean Classification of Disease in Oriental Medicine in Connection with ICD-10

  • 지규용 (동의대학교 한의과대학 병리학교실)
  • Chi, Gyoo-Yong (Department of Pathology, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University)
  • 발행 : 2008.08.25


In order to classify diseases of oriental medicine in liaison with International Classification of Diseases, there should be intermediation and sharing concepts between the two in addition to proper classification. Classification units were settled for differentiation of diseases or syndromes first. And second, the standard forms of disease classification system were proposed. Third, this classification system was made of serial groupings of syndrome under the traditional disease name. Fourth, the location of disease and the interrelation between different syndromes were depicted with diagram in order to define more clearly. As the results and conclusion, The classification units were composed of 2 categories; topology, organ, meridian, somatic structure, body fluid units for description and various regulatory unit terms of western and traditional medicine for explanation. The mixed classification model of western diseases and traditional syndromes(證) was adopted as a fundamental classification system containing disease by exterior pathogen, systemic internal diseases, psychoneuronal diseases, metabolic diseases, diseases of sense organs, supportive structure diseases, obstetric-gynecology diseases, child diseases, 4-type constitutional diseases. And those were differentiated with generalized, localized, functional, oncogenic, environmental features in detail. The cause, site, condition, dispositions must be expressed in each disease name too. The types of diagnosis using classification system are principal and final diagnosis, principal procedure, main conditions, and these are applied to this Korean classification system equally. For more clarification of differentiation, a plane topological map and three dimensional coordinates were proposed to manifest the location, features and relation of disease itself or each other.



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