오가피를 활용한 음료인 BS-01이 비만 생쥐의 체중 및 혈청 내 지질 함량에 미치는 실험적 효과

Immuno-stimulating Effects of BS-01 Made Using Extract of Acanthopanax Sessiliflorus on the Body Weight and Serum Lipid Level in Obesity-induced Mice

  • 발행 : 2008.10.25


Hyperlipidemia has been treated as one of the most important etiological cause factor in 21th century. The cortex and root of Acanthopanax sessiliflorus (AR), a herbal medicine, have been used for several diseases including cardiovascular diseases in Oriental countries. Recently, we reported that AR has anti-hyperlipidemic action. BS-01 was made using extract from AR. For these reasons, we investigated the effects of BS-01 as anti-hyperlipidemic drug through measurement of body weights, cholesterol levels, total lipid, phospholipid in serum. In our results, mice induced by high fat diet elevated body weight level compared to naive group. And total lipid in serum was also elevated by induction of hyperlipidemia. In BS-01 group, body weight of mice was lowered significantly compared to that of control group. Oral administration of BS-01 decreased total cholesterol and triglyceride level back to that of naive mice. HDL and LDL cholesterol levels were not affected by BS-01. In addition, total lipid level, which elevated by induction of hyperlipidemia was also lowered by oral administration of BS-01. Finally, free fatty acid level was lowered in BS-01 group. These results demonstrate that BS-01 lowered body weight and titers involved in hyperlipdemia such as total cholesterol, triglyceride, free fatty acid and total lipid. In these results, we demonstrate that BS-01 has anti-hyperlipidemic action.



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