EBM 구축을 위한 육미지황탕 문헌 분석 연구

Analysis of Studies on Yukmijihwang-tang for Establishment of Evidence Based Medicine

  • 이준경 (한국한의학연구원 한약제제연구부) ;
  • 이남헌 (한국한의학연구원 한약제제연구부) ;
  • 하혜경 (한국한의학연구원 한약제제연구부) ;
  • 이호영 (한국한의학연구원 한약제제연구부) ;
  • 정다영 (한국한의학연구원 한약제제연구부) ;
  • 최지윤 (한국한의학연구원 한약제제연구부) ;
  • 서창섭 (한국한의학연구원 한약제제연구부) ;
  • 신현규 (한국한의학연구원 한약제제연구부)
  • Lee, Jun-Kyoung (Department of Herbal Pharmaceutical Development, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine) ;
  • Lee, Nam-Hun (Department of Herbal Pharmaceutical Development, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine) ;
  • Ha, Hye-Kyoung (Department of Herbal Pharmaceutical Development, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine) ;
  • Lee, Ho-Young (Department of Herbal Pharmaceutical Development, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine) ;
  • Jung, Da-Young (Department of Herbal Pharmaceutical Development, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine) ;
  • Choi, Ji-Yoon (Department of Herbal Pharmaceutical Development, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine) ;
  • Seo, Chang-Sub (Department of Herbal Pharmaceutical Development, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine) ;
  • Shin, Hyun-Kyu (Department of Herbal Pharmaceutical Development, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine)
  • 발행 : 2009.02.25


The purpose of this report was to provide the information about activity and safety of Yukmijihwang-tang by analyzing domestic/international papers and theses about Yukmijihwang-tang. Domestic/international papers and theses related to Yukmijihwang-tang were reviewed and analyzed. These papers were then classified by year, experimental method, and activity subject. The following results were obtained in this study. The study of Yukmijihwang-tang started from 1978 and was rapidly increased after 1990s. The study of Yukmijihwang-tang was continuously increased now and was mainly forcused on experimental model rather than clinical study. The paper of SCI journal or non-SCI journal was 27 volume and the other domestic paper was 64 volume. The total papers of Yukmijihwang-tang, 91 volume was analysed in this study. Allatoin, gallic acid, loganin, morroniside, paeoniflorin, paenol, urosolic acid were determined in Yukmijihwang-tang by using HPLC and HPLC-MS-MS. In classified Yukmijihwang-tang paper by experimental method and animal, more than a half study was in vivo experiment used rat. Furthermore clinical experiments were performed variously. As these studies were classified by subject, papers related to renal function were most abundant by 16 papers. Besides there were several papers related to cognitive vitality, anti-diabetic effect, immuno-regulation, reproductive activity, anti-oxidant effect, liver function, anti-cancer and blood pressure depress. According to basic research and clinic research data, it is supported that Yukmijihwang-tang was useful prescription in renal function, cognitive vitality, anti-diabetic effect and reproductive activity. Many study of basic and clinic research were performed and reported variously on Yukmijihwang-tang in domestic/international journal. According to basic research and clinic research data, it is supported that Yukmijihwang-tang was useful prescription in renal function, cognitive vitality, anti-diabetic effect and reproductive activity. However, studies on efficacy and mechanism of Yukmijihwang-tang should be conducted at the molecular biology level and studies on safety of Yukmijihwang-tang need to be completed at the clinical level.



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