The Influence of Chinese Falling-Rising Tone on the Pitch of Sino-Korean Words Pronounced by Chinese Learners: Focusing on the Partly-Different-Form-Same-Meaning Words

중국어 상성이 중국인의 한자어 발음에 미치는 영향 연구: 부분이형동의어를 중심으로

  • Received : 2012.03.31
  • Accepted : 2012.06.19
  • Published : 2012.06.30


The purpose of this study is to find the influence of Chinese falling-rising tone on the pitch pattern of corresponding partly-different-form-same-meaning Sino-Korean words delivered by Chinese learners of Korean and to examine how the falling-rising tone of corresponding Chinese words affects the pitch patterns of Sino-Korean words. The scope of this research is limited to Chinese learners of Korean, especially on two groups of Sino-Korean words - AB:CB type and AB:AC type that the are second-most frequently occuring different-form-same-meaning Sino-Korean words. In this study, Chinese learners pronounced both Chinese words and corresponding Sino-Korean words. Learners' pitch patterns were recorded and analyzed using software and compared with the tone of corresponding Chinese words. Experimental results showed that AB:CB type Sino-Korean words were not affected by Chinese 'falling-rising tone - high and level tone'. As well as AB:CB type, experimental results showed there were no significant influence on the pitch pattern of AB:AC type Sino-Korean words by Chinese falling-rising tone. But it was clear that Chinese learners' made pitch errors on both AB:CB type and AB:AC type Sino-Korean words. In conclusion, the Chinese learners' pitch patterns of partly-different-form-same-meaning Sino-Korean words are different from Korean native speakers', but their pitch errors cannot be attributed to Chinese falling-rising tone.



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