사회적 기업 성공요인 공유 관계와 사회네트워크 영향력 위치 탐색연구 : 투 모드 데이터를 중심으로

A exploratory study about a influenced position of social network formed by success factors cognition of Social Enterprises with importance : two-mode data

  • 김병석 (부천대학교 e-비즈니스과) ;
  • 최재웅 (부천대학교 e-비즈니스과)
  • 투고 : 2014.02.18
  • 심사 : 2014.03.25
  • 발행 : 2014.06.30


A organization of social enterprises is to achieve various goals such as private interests, the public nature, and social policy. For fulfilling these goals, we have to understand the various success factors. These success factors were shared among peoples. This study explored a position of structure of social network formed by success factors of Social Enterprises with importance. A position within social network defined a number of link connected other nodes. A position is closely associated with to individual's behaviors, opinions and thinking. We used social network analysis with two mode method for explaining feathers of structure of social network formed by success factors shared among peoples. We choose degree centrality for determining a position within social network. Centrality is a key measure in social network analysis. Results is that shared success factors are operation capital(15.15%) totally, and by Buying experience of products of Social Enterprises, Business Compliance(14.39%) and planning(12.88%), and by usage time of smart devices, Business Support(17.05%) and planning(16.10%). and the dominant success factor was not explored.



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