1960년대 말 김수근의 도시건축에 나타난 인공대지에 관한 연구 - 세운상가 및 여의도계획을 중심으로 -

The Artificial Land manifested in Kim Swoo Geun's Urban Architecture in late 1960s - Focusing on Sewoonsangga and Yeouido Master Plan -

  • 최림 (고려대학교 대학원 도시재생협동과정) ;
  • 김현섭 (고려대학교 건축학과)
  • 투고 : 2014.09.02
  • 심사 : 2014.12.10
  • 발행 : 2015.01.30


The purpose of this research is to analyse Kim Swoo Geun's concept of the artificial land illustrated in his article 'Urban Image of the Future' (1962) and to consider how the concept was applied to the proposals of his two urban architecture projects in late 1960s - Sewoonsangga (1966~67) and Yeouido Master Plan (1969). His article shows that the causes of his adoption of the artificial land were related to 'segregating a pedestrian road from a motor way', 'increasing a building floor area along with securing a large green space', 'giving dwelling units flexible sizes', and 'longing for futurism', but of course the artificial land idea was applied to the two projects in varying degrees. Nevertheless, 'segregating a pedestrian road from a motor way' was the most clear factor of the artificial land in the two projects, and 'longing for futurism' was a fundamental inspiration for both of them. Also, because the size of the projects was enlarged from one building to an urban plan, if comparing the two, this paper argues that Yeouido Master Plan came to closer to Kim Swoo Geun's 'Urban Image of the Future' than Sewoonsangga. Even though Kim's acceptance of the artificial land concept could be criticized for its limitation in execution, especially owing to the gap between ideal and reality; it can be considered significant enough to weigh up both Kim's and Korean architecture's developmental phases within the world architectural geography and to expose the deep strata of Korean modern history.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 고려대학교


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