A study of fashion illustration applying grotesque characteristics

그로테스크의 특징을 활용한 패션 일러스트레이션 연구

  • 허승연 (광주대학교 패션주얼리학부)
  • Received : 2018.10.10
  • Accepted : 2019.01.25
  • Published : 2019.02.28


This study was initiated to add value to fashion illustration as a genre of plastic art, as its importance as a progressive visual art is growing. The research purpose is to analyze characteristics of Grotesque, a subculture that emerged from the challenges and problems of groups which deviated from social and cultural trends, and to develop fashion design illustration utilizing the characteristics unique to that subculture. As a method of research, this study examined the characteristics and expression methods of Grotesque, which appeared in fashion literature, referenced a prior study of Grotesque, and developed fashion design illustration using Grotesque as a based. The result of this study are as follows. First, the characteristics of Grotesque that are applicable to fashion illustration were derived as 'evil, aversion, playfulness, heterogeneity, and abnormality'. Second, the expressive elements of Grotesques, reflecting the beauty of ugliness, present a methodology for developing new and creative fashion design illustrations. Third, it was found that Grotesque fashion illustration is a visual tool that is suitable for expressing the problematic origins of human existence, values, alienation, and social chaos. Fourth, 'arthropod' motifs were identified as a suitable theme for extracting the newly integrated Grotesque images through the process of contradiction and confrontation between humans and objects. Fifth, the Grotesque fashion illustrations could be understood in terms of plastic arts, and could provide a gateway to rediscovering human dignity. Based on the finding, we expect that creative design thinking and development that combines the motifs of various themes and Grotesque's expressive methods will proceed more deeply and specifically.



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