OSS (Open Source Software) Usage Considerations and Verification Method

OSS 활용 고려사항과 검증 방법

  • Published : 2019.02.01


In this paper, we focus on the process of using open source software (OSS) and factors that should be considered when using project-based OSS. We also elaborate on how to avoid using OSS licenses in an OSS-based technology development process, why dual OSS licenses and security threats should be avoided, and the method of notification after use. In addition, the OSS license verification method and environment are described in the course of project development. In the verification method, the OSS license used for technology development in the course of project execution is validated in advance by the person who decides whether or not to use the OSS, and then additional verification using the tool after technology development. It is expected that this paper will be helpful for establishing the OSS usage consideration and the license verification procedure, and environment in the future.


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(그림 1) OSS 활용 절차

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(그림 2) OSS 라이선스 검증 절차

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(그림 3) OSS 라이선스 검증 환경

<표 1> 주요 OSS 라이선스 의무사항

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<표 2> OSS 분석 및 검증 도구 I (상용)

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<표 3> OSS 분석 및 검증 도구 II (오픈소스)

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