궐음재천 풍음소승의 병증과 기미처방 분석

Symptoms and Prescriptions Based on the Theory for Properties and Tastes of Korean Oriental Herbal Medicines with Regard to the Year When Kweoleum Is Affecting the Earth Energy and the Wind Energy Is Partially Over-Abundant

  • 신순식 (동의대학교 한의과대학 방제학교실)
  • Shin Soon Shik (Department of Prescriptionology, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University)
  • 발행 : 2002.12.01


This thesis aims to provide an analytical basis for existing or new prescriptions based on the theory for properties and tastes of Korean oriental herbal medicines. To this end, prescriptions presented in 「the Various Changes in the Dominations of the Six Energies and their Relations with the Diseases」 of 『Plain Questions』 were analyzed based on the theory for properties and tastes of Korean oriental herbal medicines in 『Yellow Emperor's Canon Internal Medicine』. This thesis focused on symptoms and prescriptions based on the theory for properties and tastes of Korean oriental herbal medicines, which were described in 「the Various Changes in the Dominations of the Six Energies and their Relations with the Diseases」 of 『Plain Questions』 with regard to the year when Kweoleum is affecting the earth energy and the wind energy is partially over-abundant. Those symptoms and prescriptions originate from the theory of the five elements and six climates. The symptoms were analyzed from the perspective of physiology. The prescriptions were first analyzed based on the theory for properties and tastes of Korean oriental herbal medicines in 『Yellow Emperor's Canon Internal Medicine』. Then, a mix formula of oriental medicines pursuant to those prescriptions was studied. Lastly, proper prescriptions from 『Treatise of Cold-Induced Diseases』, which were in conformity with the above prescriptions, were selected. From the physiological point of view, symptoms with regard to the year when Kweoleum is affecting the earth energy and the wind energy is partially over-abundant can be, based on the theory of the five elements and six climates, diagnosed as the symptoms from impaired spleen and stomach due to excessive wind energy. Prescriptions from 『Treatise of Cold-Induced Diseases』pursuant to prescriptions based on the theory for properties and tastes of Korean oriental herbal medicines can be broken down into the following: pinellia decoction for reducing stomach-fire(Banhasasimtang); ginger decoction for reducing stomach-fire(Saenggangsasimtang); liquorice root decoction for reducing stomach-fire(Gamchosasimtang); and Chinese goldthread decoction(Hwangryentang). Therefore, symptoms of six kinds of weather presented in 「the Various Changes in the Dominations of the Six Energies and their Relations with the Diseases」 of 『Plain Questions』 can be analyzed from the physiological point of view. As a result, in addition to the methodology that analyzes existing prescriptions within the boundary of the theory for properties and tastes of Korean oriental herbal medicines in 『Yellow Emperor's Canon Internal Medicine』, it is expected that a theoretical basis for new prescriptions can be provided by analyzing prescriptions from 『Treatise of Cold-Induced Diseases』, based on prescriptions from the theory for properties and tastes of Korean oriental herbal medicines.



  1. 傷寒明理論;상한금궤온병명저집성 成無己(著);朱鵬飛(校注);于伯海(主編)
  2. 溫病條辨;상한금궤온병명저집성 오당(著);王效菊(校注);于伯海(主編)
  3. 內經素問吳注 오곤(注);山東中醫學院 中醫文獻硏究室 (校點)
  4. 黃帝內經硏究大成(下) 第1版 第1次印刷 王洪圖 總主編
  5. 本草綱目(校點本 第1冊)第1版. 第1次印刷 李時珍(著)
  6. 東醫學의 方法論 硏究 尹吉榮(著)
  7. 註解傷寒論十卷초판발행 張仲景(著);金容沃(解題)
  8. 黃帝內經素問校注語譯 第1版. 第1次印刷 郭靄春(編著)
  9. 注解補注 黃帝內經素問(下) 金達鎬;李鍾馨(共編譯)
  10. 黃帝內經素問運氣七篇講解 第1版. 第1次印刷 方藥中;許家松(著)
  11. 黃帝內經素問注證發微 第1版 第1次印刷 馬蒔(撰);田代華(主校);楊俊杰;董新亭;馬秀華;朱世杰;張榮利;번빙(點校)
  12. 張氏類經 張介賓(編著)
  13. 東醫臨床方劑學 尹吉榮(著)
  14. 本草學 訂正6版 發行 全國韓醫科大學 本草學敎授(共編著)